Heavener School Board agenda 8-12-2024

Heavener School Board agenda 8-12-2024

Heavener School Board agenda 8-12-2024

The Heavener School Board will meet in a regular business meeting 6 p.m. Monday in the Glenn Scott Educational Center at 500 West Second in Heavener.


Heavener Public Schools Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve or disapprove, vote to table, or decide not to vote on any item on this agenda. 

  1. Opening Flag Salute
  1. Invocation
  1. Call meeting to order and record members
  1. Discussion and action to administer the oath of office and to seat Greg Roberts as board member for Heavener Board of Education seat #3.
  1. Principals’ Report: Keli Cartwright, Jeremy Dyer, Grant Ralls
  1. Superintendent’s Report: Ed Wilson
  1. Consent Agenda: All the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
    1. Agenda for August 12, Regular Board Meeting
    2. Minutes for July 15, 2024, Regular Board Meeting
    3. Activity fund financial report for July 2024
    4. Activity fund fundraising requests as submitted by sponsors
    5. General, Building, Bond Fund encumbrances
    6. General, Building, Bond warrants
    7. Treasurer’s financial report for July 2024


  1. Approve or disapprove appointments of the following school district positions for


Sabrina Dyer- Director of Finance, Treasurer, Activity Fund Co-Custodian, Federal/State Program Claims, Purchasing Agent, 403(b) Annuity Regulations Coordinator

Angel Morrison-Activity Fund Co-Custodian

  1. Approve or disapprove the Heavener Public Schools Wellness
  1. Approve or disapprove the purchase of 4 Miller MIG Welders for the Ag department from Air Gas USA in the amount of $15,000.
  1. Approve or disapprove the removal of Angel Morrison from the bank accounts at Central National Bank and First National Bank.
  1. Approve or disapprove the Math and Science MOU with Kiamichi Tech,
  1. Approve or disapprove surplus of the following Ag Department items: 4 Millermatic 210 Welders, 2- 225 Power Craft Arc Welders, and 1 Drill
  1. Approve or disapprove the contract for Career and Technology Education Programs for 2024-2025: (Ag Ed- 2, Business and Information Technology -2, Family & Consumer Sciences, Science Technology Engineering, and Math).
  1. Approve or disapprove the Resolution with Government Capital Regarding Financing Agreement for the Purpose of Purchasing “Personal Property Related to Physical Education Building”.
  1. Approve or disapprove the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan for 2024-
  1. Approve or disapprove Adjunct Teachers for 2024-2025: William Sanders: 7th Grade Geography- 2 hours Christian Schiffner: Elementary Music- 6 hours

Joanna Whiteaker: Art (1 hour), Drama (1 hour), Earth Science (2 hours) Carrie Alexander: Art (1 hour)

Randall Wheat: 6th Grade Math- 3 hours

Craig Hall: MS Newspaper/Yearbook (2 hours), HS Desktop publishing, Journalism, Yearbook (3 hours)

Megan Jackson: Physical Science (1 hour), Earth Science (1 hour) Andria Johnson: English I (4 hours), English III (1 hour)

Caleb Wylie: MS Pre-Algebra (2 hours), HS Geometry(4 hours)

Noah Davis: Physical Education (4 hours), History (1 hour), Geography (1 hour)

  1. Approve or disapprove gate duty stipend in the amount of $15 for football, basketball, softball, baseball, and soccer games.
  1. Approve or disapprove the MOU between Heavener Schools and Hodgen Schools regarding 8th-grade students playing competitive football.
  1. Approve or disapprove bus leases for Heavener Schools to Ross Transportation for 2024-2025.
  1. Approve or disapprove transfers within Activity Fund sub-accounts:

Athletics #801 to Cheer #827 for ½ of Fireworks Fundraiser profit in the amount of $2315.92.

Athletics #801 to Soccer #810 for½ of Fireworks Fundraiser profit in the amount of $2315.92

  1. Approve or disapprove contracts for Administrators, Certified Staff, Support Staff, and Extra Duties for Heavener Public School employees for 2024-2025.
  1. Approve or disapprove CEP plan on Child Nutrition Program for 2024-2025 and increase meal prices for adult breakfast from $2.28 to $2.37 and adult lunch from $4.10 to $4.15.
  1. Approve or disapprove resignations as received by the
  1. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of the following positions/employees for the 2024-2025 school year:

25 OS 307 (8)(1) 

Temporary Elementary Teacher Temporary PK3 Lead Teacher Temporary PK3 Lead Teacher Temporary PK3 Paraprofessional Temporary Art Paraprofessional 

  1. Vote to convene in executive session.
  1. Acknowledge the board’s return to the open session and the President’s statement regarding items discussed in the executive session.
  1. Approve or disapprove the employment of the following positions/ employees for the 2024-2025 school year:

25 OS 307 (8)(1)

Temporary Elementary Teacher Temporary PK3 Lead Teacher Temporary PK3 Lead Teacher Temporary PK3 Paraprofessional Temporary Art Paraprofessional 

  1. New “New Business” for purposes of this agenda means any item not known about at the time of posting the agenda. OS 25 311 (A)(9)
  1. Approve or disapprove the motion to adjourn the meeting.

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