County commissioners’ minutes 7-15-2024
The Board of County Commissioners of LeFlore County met in a Regular Business Meeting Monday with Chairman Jamie Oliver presiding. Also present were Vice-Chair Vallard Campbell, Member Josh Blaylock, and County Clerk Kelli Ford.
The following action was taken by the board:
- Chairman Jamie Oliver called meeting to order.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve the minutes of regular meeting held July 8, 2024. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve purchase orders and payroll claims as presented. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Bonds: None presented.
- Monthly fee reports: None presented.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve transfers of appropriations as follows:
- Excise Equalization $300.00 from Travel to Personal Services.
- Co Commissioner Travel $3,071.55 from District 1 to District 2.
- Co Commissioner M&O $69.87 from District 2 to District 1.
- Co Commissioner M&O $83.33 from District 3 to District 1.
- Post Mountain Fire Dept $5,000.00 from travel to maintenance & operations.
- Co Commissioner D1 $125,000.00 from M&O to Capital Outlay.
Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Blanket purchase orders: None presented.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve submission of Tort Claim as presented by MJ Insurance Agency to ACCO for further review. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Contract labor/service agreements, annual contracts: None presented.
- Burn ban: No discussion.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Declarations of Surplus, and request of equipment transfer from the LeFlore County Sheriff Department to the LeFlore County Detention Center regarding County inventory item # B-302.047 2020 with original purchase price of $27,972.73. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Vallard Campbell and seconded by Jamie Oliver to approve Disposing of Equipment Resolutions as submitted by the LeFlore County Sheriff’s Department regarding the below county inventory items:
- B-302.020 2014 Ford SUV Original Purchase Price of $32,782.00.
- B-302.031 2014 Chevrolet SUV Original Purchase Price of $ 15,000.00.
Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Josh Blaylock to approve County Treasurers Resale fund financial statement as presented. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Resolution to Execute the Agreement Establishing the Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma and ACCO-SIG 2024-2025 Property Liability Quote payment option # 1 in the amount of $643,795.00. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Tort Claim # LeFlore-Tahoe in the amount of $10,170.00, and request to pay claim using the LeFlore County deductible fund account as submitted by ACCO. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Josh Blaylock and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Permit for Construction Within Right of Way and Request for Flood Plain Services as submitted by LeFlore County Consolidated Rural Water District # 12 regarding utility construction located at 37230 Poteau Mountain Road, in Section 22, Township 6 North, Range 27 East, Monroe, Oklahoma. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to approve Resolution determining newly established Requisition & Receiving Officers for all 28 LeFlore County Rural Fire Departments. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Jamie Oliver and seconded by Vallard Campbell to table bid award regarding the purchase of a fire pumper/tanker to benefit Arkoma Fire Department pending further review. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
- Motion was made by Josh Blaylock and seconded by Vallard Campbell to award bid regarding the construction of a new bridge on Bud French Road for the benefit of LeFlore County Commissioner Highway Department District 2 to RRY Services, LLC in the amount of $183,280.00. Motion was approved, all voting yes.
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