4th of July and live music that follows

4th of July and live music that follows


I hope this holiday is safe and happy for ya. Fireworks and cookouts, ya can’t beat’em. Here’s just a couple of Celebrations in our area for the whole family.


TODAY 4th Of July- “Shady Oak Tribadours” will be part of live music at Freedom Fest in McAlester. Activities for the kids, food and music all afternoon at the Pittsburg County Fairgrounds. From 11 a.m. til mignight.

TONITE (Still the 4th)- Celebrate America in Poteau. Water slides, lots of food and big firework display at dusk. Freedom Fest in Stigler out at Lake John Wells south of town. Family activities, food, fireworks at dusk.

I am part of the 2023 Poteau High School Alumni Reunion this year. It will be September 2nd- Labor Day weekend. Details are being worked out but I was able to book ”Even Keel” for the dance. I love this band if ya haven’t noticed. I keep their schedule posted. They play Buffett to Doobie Bros.- Eagles to Bob Marley. Good show, great dance tunes and shining personality in abundance. Bryan Clark/guitar is a Pirate alumni along with Dr Al Grzech/piano, Joshua Uhrich/vocals and acoustic, Mark Steele/drums and Joe Craine/bass. It will be a good time of fellowship and fun. Tell all your classmates, kids, grandkids and any PHS alumni to check out the PHS all class reunion Facebook event page to get all the details and how to preregister.

First Friday in Poteau has a couple of events. It’s First Friday Cruise nite and there will be live music at the Coffee Cup for the cars on Broadway. “Clay Grant” will be singing and it starts at 7 p.m. Then, First Friday is back in downtown Poteau at the Pocket Park on Dewey Avenue. Kicking BIG with “Grannie’s Nightmare”. starts at 7 p.m. Bring a lawnchair.

“Oklahoma Moon” will be opening its 2023 tour with a show on Friday at Neumeier’s Whippoorwill Restaurant on Garrison Avenue in Fort Smith. Glad to have this band back on stage. They were in such high demand last year that they run the wheels off the bus. Music starts at 7 p.m.

“The Stagemasters” will be at Dawn’s Diner in Red Oak this Saturday. Dining and dancing to the very best of music and grub. Take your honey to Red Oak, it’s a beautiful drive. Music starts at 6 p.m. Make plans to be there.

Muldrow City Limits will have “Page 1” playing for the Saturday dance at 7 p.m. “The Rhythm Coalition” will be jamming at Farewell Party and grill in Fort Smith, 8 p.m. til midnite on Saturday. “Grannie’s Nightmare” will be rockin’ at Red’s in Alma. Tell Rocky how purty he is. Make his day! Music starts at 8 p.m.

In Hackett, Arkansas at Crocky’s Cafe, there will be music by Mike (MG and the Quiet Storm) Linzini on Friday at 7 p.m. And “The Shaw Revolver Trio” on Saturday. Both nites’ music starts at 6 p.m.

 That ain’t all I have to say but it’s a good place to stop. Enjoy the Fourth and Support Live Music. Contact me at (918) 649-5736 or [email protected].

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Biden must get tough on China

Biden must get tough on China


Our nation is at a turning point. China is expanding its influence, threatening our allies, and exploiting American weakness to achieve its goal of world domination.

To counter this threat, the Biden administration must do all it can to project U.S. strength on the world stage, regain energy independence, and equip American manufacturers with the resources and deregulation they need to support our nation and deter our adversaries. The reason is simple: U.S. strength is key for global stabilization.

Mullin it Over

Instead, under the current administration, the world has watched while China routinely exploits Joe Biden’s weaknesses in global manufacturing, trade, and national security.

While hard-working Oklahomans view China as the predominant global threat and adversary, Joe Biden thinks otherwise. He said so himself.

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From manufacturing to critical mineral supply, Joe Biden has increased our dependence on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at every turn. China currently dominates the global supply chain, and Joe Biden’s tax hikes on American manufacturers have made our nation more dependent on China while stifling our economy.

Recently, Biden vetoed bipartisan legislation that would have protected our economy from Chinese solar companies which are actively circumventing U.S. trade laws. Biden’s veto made clear his support for Chinese goods manufactured on the backs of slave labor, and his disinterest in building American independence from China.

Whether it be fear, cowardice, or appeasement that fuels Joe Biden’s policy decisions, it’s clear his view towards China puts Americans in harm’s way. If Biden got his way, our country would be entirely dependent on China to feed, fuel, and power every inch of our nation.

However, the consequences of Biden’s appeasement strategy don’t stop there. The CCP is also actively exploiting and profiting from Joe Biden’s open border disaster.

Record amounts of fentanyl have flowed from China to Mexico and into the United States since Joe Biden took office. Over the past two years, Border Patrol has seized 41,000 pounds of fentanyl – enough to kill the entire U.S. population 28 times over. This deadly drug surge threatens border towns and states across the country, including Oklahoma.

According to the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, there were 47 fentanyl overdose deaths in 2019. In 2022, the number of deaths skyrocketed to 300. Our top priority must be the safety and security of our citizens, and that means securing our border and getting tough on bad actors like China who are weaponizing the border crisis. To remedy Joe Biden’s national security, humanitarian, and public health crisis, the Biden administration must close our southern border and enforce immigration laws to reduce the dangers of Chinese fentanyl.

We also know that China is blatantly spying on the U.S. military and attempting to steal our national intelligence without significant consequence. Chinese nationals have purchased farmland near key military bases, including an Air Force Base in Grand Forks, North Dakota, traversed spy balloons across the entire country, and established a spy base and military training facility in Cuba. These acts are blatant threats to U.S. sovereignty, but the CCP knows that under a weak leader like Joe Biden, they have every reason to press ahead without consequence.

In addition to military and national intelligence, U.S. intellectual property (IP) is vulnerable to Chinese hacking. America loses about $360 billion annually because of China’s IP theft. Not to mention, Tik Tok gives Communist China a front-row seat to the lives of roughly 150 million Americans. It has to stop.

In the absence of strong leadership from the United States, our enemies are emboldened, and Americans are less safe. When it comes to Chinese aggression, America needs peace through strength, not appeasement.

Senate Republicans stand united in our solutions to get tough on China. We must prioritize U.S. military strength, diversify the supply chain, ban China from purchasing U.S. farmland – especially near secure locations, and close the border to stop the flow of deadly fentanyl.

It’s far past time for Joe Biden to get tough on China, work with Congress to bolster our national security, and project strength on the global stage. The world is watching.

U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) is a successful business owner and working cow-calf rancher serving Oklahoma on the Armed Services; Environment and Public Works; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; and Indian Affairs Committees. He is an enrolled member of Cherokee Nation and is the first Tribal citizen to serve in the U.S. Senate in nearly two decades. 

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Independence Day weekend live music

Independence Day weekend live music


Ya know, it still amazes me of all the courage and commitment that it took to separate from the British Colonies and start a Republic that’s still the greatest country on this planet.

The change was violent and cost many lives. But the founders knew exactly what they didn’t want from their experience under the rule of England. And the freedom that they fought and died for 247 years ago is what we celebrate on this Fourth of July! Change is what started this country and some change is necessary today to allow for all people to live together in peace. The only thing that I can do to help maintain this freedom is make myself useful to that cause. So, my advice is to be a good example: Stand for the flag, Say the Pledge of Allegiance and mean it, Love this country enough to teach the history, good and bad, to the kids. My prayers are for peace, no wars- Strong and fair leadership- understanding, not division. Let Freedom Ring!

Live music in LeFlore County area

Wow! I kinda had a patriotic moment. Enjoy the fireworks, they are a favorite memory from childhood. But, please, remember the veterans and other neighbors that might have an issue with the loud booms and bright lights. PTSD is real. Be a good neighbor. And think of pets, yours and the neighbors. They can be terrified of all the racket. My $1,000 squirrel dawg is gun shy because of the week long, day and night racket. She can tree them, I just can’t shoot’em. So be mindful of those around. AND be safe. No bottle rocket battles.

Tuesday night enjoy live jazz music at the LeFlore County Museum starting at 6:30 p.m. the concert is free and refreshments will be served. The Al Grzech Band will be there.

Live Music this weekend- “The Shady Oak Tribadours”- Scot Francis, Joel Billy, Dennis Dooley and Larry Taylor will be at a birthday party at Sheila’s What’ya Do Y’all Bar and Grill on Thursday. Then at the Knotty Pint Saturday Bike Night in Fort Smith on July 1. Music is from 3-6 pm. the 4th of July They will be part of one of the biggest celebrations in our area. Freedom Fest in McAlester. With food, games, activities for the “ungens” and lots of live music.

Dawn’s Diner in Red Oak will be helping with the Independence Day celebration Saturday. There’s a parade, activities for the whole family, fireworks, followed by a street dance. “Big Marty and the Dirty Dogs” will play for the dance. It’s a great time. On Friday, “59 South” will play for the dance at Dawn’s. It will be cool inside and plenty of good food and great music.

Over in Hackett, Arkansas, Crocky’s Cafe will have live music starting Friday. “Big Rev” will rattle the cage with some loud and meaningful words and music. Then on Saturday, music from “Paden Baggette”. This singer/songwriter will bring his best. Both nites start at 6 p.m.

“Earl Hearon and the Sound of Country” will be the music to dance to Saturday. It will be the Independence Day celebration for the dance hall. Music starts at 7 p.m.

“Live Wire” ft. Felisha McKenzie will be layin’ it down at M J’s Bar and Grill in Chism, Arkansas Saturday. Just a short drive East of Charleston. Music from 8 to midnight!

Big doings also in McCurtain Saturday will be itsr Independence Day celebration. Live music from noon til 4 p.m. “South 49”, the very best new band around. I mean “new” like IF ya don’t count the year or so of hard work and practice and just plain ole paying their dues. These guys have a sound of their own makin’. It’s got country, rock, red dirt, just get down to it kinda music all mixed into a great show. They are getting some breaks as opening act for some big names at the Majestic. And if they can stand the test of trials and time, big thangs are gonna happen. They have some tunes on You Tube and all the music streaming thing-a-ma-jigs. Check’em out!

I am also proud to announce that my good friends, “Oklahoma Moon” are booking gigs again. Maybe just not as many this time around. Their first show will be at Neumiuir’s Whippoorwill Restaurant on July 7 from 7-10 p.m. Glad they are picking again.

Well, that ain’t all I got to say BUT it’s a good place to stop. Contact me at 918-649-5736 or [email protected]. Support live music when ya can. Have a fun and safe 4th of July!

This is Terry Joe Wiles’ first column for us. If you are glad to see he is writing for us, let him know with a comment on the post. If you would like to write a column or cover civic news in any LeFlore County, CONTACT us. This column and more also appear on our daily newsletter, LeFlore County’s only daily publication. Subscribe for $5 per month or $50 per year and never miss one of our stories.





      Simply stated, I am not a fan of most contemporary Christian music.  I was once invited to a church service with an assurance I would be “blessed.” 

I went, and inside the spacious building, the first thing I noticed was the band.  There were two young fellows with electric guitars, a middle-aged bassist, two ladies at two electric pianos, a man with a saxophone, three vocalists and a restless, antsy young man in a large plexiglass cube, which to me was a curiosity.  There was the typical noise of the audience, and the sort of sounds bands make coming from the stage as they prepared their assault. 

They fooled with their instruments for a few moments, then suddenly, they exploded!  They informed the congregants, “Our God is an awesome God, He reigns in the power of love,” but I had to take their word for it, ‘cause I got out and away from that head-splitting racket as quickly as I could.  I saw why the drummer was confined in his cube, though.  He was beating on those drums like they had insulted his mother, so he was going to kill them.  Obviously, he was penned up to keep the audience safe, and well—Keith Moon would have been impressed.  At that moment, I wickedly felt all they needed was for one of the band members to bite the head off a bat and they could sign up with Ozzy Osbourne.


      I was a little disgruntled.  As I was driving away, God spoke to me in His still, small voice and settled me down.  I wanted to not be judgmental.  To each his own, I guess, and I did not want to go so far as to say those people were not worshipping the Deity in their own way.  It was not for me, though.  Doubtless, there were brethren somewhere at that moment passing rattlesnakes around as a testament of their faith in God’s tolerance of idiots doing stupid things.  If that’s how they want to worship, fine.  It’s well and good for them, but don’t hand me any snakes

      And I do not want blaring music during worship services I attend, either.  Had that church’s band merely turned their volume down, perhaps I would have been more charitable, 

      It may be I’m just too old and set in my ways.  I like the hymns I grew up with.  Awesome God is a good song, but How Great Thou Art somehow does more to create a sense of awe for me.  There are contemporary Christian songs (I can’t call them “hymns”) that my father-in-law derided as being “7-11” songs—“Seven words and eleven choruses.”  He lamented the shallowness of modern lyricists, too, in one of our conversations, but here, I had to be fair.

      “Have you ever heard God of Earth and Outer Space?” I asked.  He had not, so we “Googled” it.  He agreed, it was one of the worst things to come out of the 1970s.

      Still, I like the old hymns best, and it doesn’t take much to stir certain lines and choruses to the surface of cherished recollections: “On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame.  But I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain!”; “He’s got you and me, brother, in His hand, He’s got you and me, sister, in His hand, He’s got you and me, brother, in His hand, He’s got the whole world in His hand!”“’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.  How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed!”; “Oh, come holy angel band, come and around me stand!   Then take me away on snow white wings to my eternal home!”; “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!”; “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above, ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!  Amen.”; “Precious memories, unseen angels, sent from somewhere to my soul.  How they linger, ever near me, and the sacred past unfolds.”.

      But I could go on like this for miles.  Maybe we’ll resume with this subject next week.    

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